mariam28 (13 years ago) {Image}
sunny2818 Who i m?? - (15 years ago)Comment (9)
sunny2818 Wanna always wid u... - (15 years ago)Comment (3)
sunny2818 To have u... I luv u... - (15 years ago)Comment (2)
sunny2818 Now u would b wid me... Always... - (15 years ago)Comment (9)
sunny2818 I committed a big mistake of my life... - (15 years ago)Comment (6)
sunny2818 ... - (15 years ago)Comment (0)
sunny2818 M not angry wid u... But sad for myself... - (15 years ago)Comment (17)
sunny2818 Where's u?? - (15 years ago)Comment (48)
sunny2818 Ur wid me - (15 years ago)Comment (50)
sunny2818 Where r u?? - (15 years ago)Comment (25)
sunny2818 :( - (15 years ago)Comment (0)
sunny2818 M wid u... - (15 years ago)Comment (31)
sunny2818 Hie... Mariam... Ur my life... - (15 years ago)Comment (0)
sunny2818 Bored... - (15 years ago)Comment (1)