Sometimes, the person who tries to keep everyone happy is often the most lonely one. - (12 years ago)Comment (0)
mylove0015 (12 years ago) Good morning {Image} PERSON LIVING IN ANOTHER PERSON'S HEART IS CA...
mylove0015 (12 years ago) Good morning {Image} I try to Beeee the best friend i can beeeee...
mylove0015 (12 years ago) Hey bro if u want give me replay 4 my mess , then give me replay in my guest book , not in u guest book
mylove0015 (12 years ago) Good morning {Image} Treat everyone with politeness,Even those wh...
skrana316 (12 years ago) Good morning friend
mylove0015 (12 years ago) Good morning {Image} If u r stressed,U get pimples..If u cry,...
mylove0015 (12 years ago) Good morning {Image} STILL LIFE IS ABOUT BEING HAPPY BECAUSE EVERY...
skrana316 (12 years ago) JuSt wAntEd tO LeT U kNoWtHAt tHe cHoIcE oF“BLESSINGS”FoR ThE BeSt oF LiFeaRe aLwAyS wItH yOu .GoOd MoRnInG
mylove0015 (12 years ago) Good morning {Image} TIME & SMILE ARE TWO CRUCIAL THINGS IN IN LIFE...
mylove0015 (12 years ago) Good morning {Image} WE MEET BY CHANCE & TURNED IN T...
mylove0015 (12 years ago) Good morning {Image} LOVE ASKED DEATH :- WHY DO PEOP...
skrana316 (12 years ago) “New” day“New” morning“New” hopes“New” plans“New” efforts“New” feelings I pray 2 GOD 2 bless u“Happiness & Success”*GOOD MORNING*
mylove0015 (12 years ago) Good morning {Image} WHEN IT RAINS , YOU DONT SEE THE SUN , BUT ITS...
mylove0015 (12 years ago) Good morning {Image} PURE HEART PERSON CAN HAVE A WO...
skrana316 (12 years ago) Bec0oLaSiCe !BecLeAr AswAtEr !BepUrEaSmILk ! Bes0fTaSbAby !BecUtE AsYou !So ThAt y0u cAn bE SmArT f0rEvEr Like ...