falling star asked me 2 choose between a million doller or a great friend. I choose the million doller becouse already i have u as a great friend's - (14 years ago)
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My e-mail ad. riyasmohomad@yahoo.com] just clase ur eyes and think of ur self 4 seconds open ur eyes how u'll realise u hav wested 10 seconds in thinking of a fool....... - (14 years ago)
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This iz a crime story...5 FRIEND live in a room name r MAD,BRAIN, FOOL ,SOMEBODY, NOBODY. One day somebody killed nobody. tht tym brain iz in da bath room. mad called police. mad-iz it police stasion. pol- yes mad-somdbody killed nobody pol- do u have brain mad- brain iz in tha bathroom. pol- r u fool. Fool ir reading thiz sms - (14 years ago)
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i'm cool man - (14 years ago)
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