neelam20 (13 years ago)
Vijayahmedabad (13 years ago)
Hi baby how are u i am your new friend plz friendship with me
shri963 (13 years ago)
hi Neelam
kailash0728 (13 years ago)
neelam ji kuch to hua h kuch ho gaya h
RAHUL3210 (13 years ago)
suhaan153 (13 years ago)
LifE iS a cOmBiNaTiOn oF aDjUsTmEnTs aNd cOmPrOmIsEs ... AdJuSt wHEn sOmEoNe wAnTs tO bE wITh YoU aNd cOmPrOmIsE wHEn YoU wANt tO bE sOmEoNe... ...
suhaan153 (13 years ago)
It fEeLs nIcE wHEn sOmEoNe mIsSeS yOu, fEeLs gOOd wHeN sOmEoNe LoVeS yOu. fEeLs bEtTeR wHEn sOmEoNe'S wITh yOu. BuT iT fEeLs ThE bEsT wHEn sOm...
ZAIDISHAAN (13 years ago)
Hai Neelam gd evng ,,, hw r u dear .

bala95murugan (13 years ago)
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suhaan153 (13 years ago)
In LiFe, GOD DoEsN't gIVe yOu tHe PeOpLe yOu wANt. InStEaD HE gIvEs yOu tHe PeOpLe yOu nEEd tO tEaCh yOu, tO hURt yOu, tO LoVe yOu and tO mAKe y...
bala95murugan (13 years ago) | Thanks for Add | Forward this | Smile | Forward this Picture
suhaan153 (13 years ago)
ThE mOSt SeLfISH oNe LeTteR wORd 'I', AvOiD iT. ThF mOSt sAtIsFyInG tWo LeTtEr wORd 'WE', UsE iT. ThE mOSt pOiSoNoUs tHrEe LeTtEr wORd 'EGO', K...
venusssstar (13 years ago)
add me
suhaan153 (13 years ago)
ThE mOSt SeLfISH oNe LeTteR wORd 'I', AvOiD iT. ThF mOSt sAtIsFyInG tWo LeTtEr wORd 'WE', UsE iT. ThE mOSt pOiSoNoUs tHrEe LeTtEr wORd 'EGO', K...
ZAIDISHAAN (13 years ago)
Hai gd mrng
,, have a plsnt day dear
n hope the day to go in ur favour 

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