MsDhoni7 (11 years ago) I miss u contect me in facebook
YouthRockz80 (13 years ago) Hi my dear friend hows u? Hope you fine Please my dear.. Vote for me and my partner.. Just write "YOUTHROCKZ80 & EDEN80"in bebodreamworld2 gues...
KUNALDADA1 (13 years ago) hi naina gud morng happy frienship day
Subhankar61 (13 years ago) beautiful is just a word that unable to describe.moonlight is not to dream u.but silence is a moment to look u.plz stay in my dream .in my silenc...
KUNALDADA1 (13 years ago) hi naina ji gud mg have a gud day.
KIIING7 (13 years ago)
SANU30 (13 years ago) "I believe in Angels sent from the haven. I am surounded by Angels, but i call them FRENDS"HAVE A GUD DAY FOR U & UR SOME NEW FRENDS
nainapathak (13 years ago) naino ki ek khawish hai,dosti nibha saku jo ki doston se hai,gam ka saya na aaye ye dua rab se hai,rahe salamat aap aur apke apne jo apke karib h...
nainapathak (13 years ago) naino ke khawab kahi adhure na rah jaye,hame kuch na khne ki zid apki yun sahi na jaye,kahi badal bin brse na laut jaye,ab toh khud ko aajma lun ...
ashu9524 (13 years ago) thanks 4 add me wel come
nainapathak nice dear - (13 years ago)Comment (1)
golupreet (13 years ago) to die in love is not a great thing but to live with this pain is a great thing thats why iam alive
golupreet (13 years ago) Man askd a fallen rose- "Dont u get hurt wen u are plucked..?" Rose replied "Noh..! I forget my pain thinking dat i'm the reason 4 sum1's ...
ashu9524 (13 years ago) hi im ashu can u join me n my swee friendship reply me soon..plz...