the secret of happiness is to count your succes while others add up to their troubles - (11 years ago)Comment (0)
lukman6636 (11 years ago)
claralove2013 (12 years ago) hellomy name is clara am a lady i saw your profile today.andbecame interest in you so i will us to be friend,please sendyour email addres...
zizo202 (12 years ago)
taralutovac (12 years ago)
zizo202 (12 years ago) {Image}
zizo202 (12 years ago) {Image} lubna10 (12 years ago) i dnt any1 cm back 2 life only itachi.omg i dnt knw anythng coze as i told u i only watch till itachi died...i will download the ...
lukman6636 (12 years ago) Power does not corrupt men,fools however get corrupted when they get into a position of power
lubna10 (12 years ago) i hate her because of her way to treat naruto in the begning of the cartoon she treat him in a bad way that Y i hate her
lubna10 (12 years ago) i love itachi,sasuke,pain,kakashi,hinata, i hate sakura so much.
lubna10 (12 years ago) i really wish that he still alife...btw whom u love in naruto ha?
lubna10 (12 years ago) yeah i knw he was killed by sasuke bt sm of ma frnd said that he still alife in the next season
lubna10 (12 years ago) what!!!! o:season 22?!!I was think its only 10 season...btw is that true that Itachi sama still alife?
zizo202 (12 years ago) aziz
zizo202 (12 years ago) Why