ayuniyewook (13 years ago) annyeonghaseyo ^^
bibahenryesung1110 dont lie to me boy... i know what u feel now baby.. ^^ - (13 years ago)Comment (0)
bibahenryesung1110 오빠 너는 이르미 뭐요?? - (13 years ago)Comment (0)
bibahenryesung1110 i can't cry now... because of you... - (13 years ago)Comment (0)
bibahenryesung1110 i know, u not mine again... but you make me feel u still mine.. i cant forget u... i miss u so much... ^^ - (13 years ago)Comment (0)
bibahenryesung1110 why are u being like this? you make me crazy... - (13 years ago)Comment (0)
jethscarlet23 (13 years ago) cute
bibahenryesung1110 saengil chukha hae siwon oppa!! - (13 years ago)Comment (0)
bibahenryesung1110 sarang cham apeuda neumu apeuda!! - (13 years ago)Comment (0)
bibahenryesung1110 bored.. in the class.. - (14 years ago)Comment (0)
sijo99 (14 years ago) hai dear, pls rply me...
bibahenryesung1110 hwang min, nareul saranghae !! - (14 years ago)Comment (1)
bibahenryesung1110 you outta control what is your mind? stop!bangin my head my eyes gone red! - (14 years ago)Comment (0)
bibahenryesung1110 study is my life. - (14 years ago)Comment (0)
bibahenryesung1110 omona! oppa neomo yeoppo..jjang!! - (14 years ago)Comment (0)