Aticos (11 years ago)
Aticos (11 years ago) {Image} ] Aticos (11 years ago)] {Image}] Aticos (12 years ago)
...The heart is a fragile thing. And that's why we protect it vigorously, he rarely opened, and that's why it means so much when we decided to op...
Aticos (13 years ago)
Sexy Comments & Profile Graphics
Abd5501 (13 years ago)
why do ppl love toying with ur emotions...when knowing its already hard for u not to break down completely into a million and one peices - (14 years ago)
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why do ppl love toying with ur emotions...when knowing its already hard for u not to break down completely into a million and one peices - (14 years ago)
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why do ppl love toying with ur emotions...when knowing its already hard for u not to break down completely into a million and one peices - (14 years ago)
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there is a difference between knowing wat u know and asumming u know everything! - (14 years ago)
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im just special get over it!!! - (14 years ago)
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getting really confused by all of getting hurt and lied to why the hell would u do this to me after everything u have already done to me!!!! - (14 years ago)
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im confused by the whole situation 17 almost 18 years and now u want back into my life after never knowing me and u being my father....there mite be something wrong with this picture!!! - (14 years ago)
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I'm gasping for air i pray tat u will take my hand so i can breath again b4 these waves crash over me as i write this last song - (14 years ago)
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i wish my life was this song cuz songs they never die, i could write 4 yrs and yrs never have to cry id show u how i feel w/out saying a word i could wrap up both our <3s ik its sounds absurd but its all i wish cuz u were everything but ur gone now! - (14 years ago)
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