fyymaiyo (12 years ago) ahahaha, hai urg handsome! Xp
fyymaiyo (12 years ago) ui
whitewine (12 years ago) thanks for visited silent
Rawkskull selamat myambut taun baru xD `mgigit~` - (15 years ago)Comment (0)
Rawkskull woah..taylor swift a..ea popose aku..;p - (15 years ago)Comment (8)
Rawkskull cut my life into pieces this is my last resort - (15 years ago)Comment (0)
Rawkskull love is easy to say.but hard to prove it - (15 years ago)Comment (0)
Rawkskull wow 9month yaw aku single hahah - (15 years ago)Comment (2)
Rawkskull aku bosan laaa - (15 years ago)Comment (0)