Rash33DALi (11 years ago) Good Morning
llg184 (11 years ago) hi!Good DayOrkut Image Scraps @GoodLightscraps.com
Rash33DALi (11 years ago) GooD MorninG FrndZZZ
Yasirjadoon (11 years ago) ''There Is No Differance Between 'COMPLETE' And 'FINISHED'But,If U Choose A Right Person U R CompleteAnd,If U Choose A Wrong Pe...
Rash33DALi (11 years ago) GooD AfteR NooN
lonely010101 (11 years ago) Fresh flowers are waiting to disturb uHot coffe waiting to taste ur lipsSun, birds, cool air - all r lookingat ur window to say u.....
Rash33DALi (11 years ago) love is like an ice cube, the harder u hold on to it, the faster it will disappear all u'll have in ur hand will be tears of crushed love.
lonely010101 (11 years ago) Worries are like Moon. one day will increase, one day will decrease, other day may not be seen. So Don’t Worry for Anything. Always Be cool. :shy...
Rash33DALi (11 years ago) GooD EvninG FrndZZZ
Rash33DALi (11 years ago)
Yasirjadoon (11 years ago) ''Life Is Like Fingerprint That Can Not Be DuplicatedSo Make The Best Impression With It...Live It....Love It...:heart...
Yasirjadoon (11 years ago) Good Night
Rash33DALi (11 years ago) hi all frndzzzzzzz