I feel Made + am kindda new so you could add me......Thanks - (11 years ago)Comment (0)
Yeng33 (11 years ago) im 34 keneth.
Yeng33 (11 years ago) hi.keneth is cute name!how old r u?my name is mariel.but u cn call me yeng.
Yeng33 (11 years ago) hello
xxAstroZombiExx (11 years ago) yea,i will try.What do you want to download?
xxAstroZombiExx (11 years ago) cool,study well i hope one day u will achieve your goals..
xxAstroZombiExx (11 years ago) nice,i am from india.
xxAstroZombiExx (11 years ago) nothing much..Anytime bro..Where are you from?
Kingkenzy007 (11 years ago) Hi, am Kenneth Love Dancing and am Kindda new but I got the Swagga
xxAstroZombiExx (11 years ago) yo sup dwag?