FancyFootwork what's on my mind when i'm on holiday to KL on 2nd to 7th May..clubbing(z0uk),raving,chikaro(chix),one night stand & shopping..hahaha - (14 years ago) Comment (2)
FancyFootwork Forget everything about the past,make a new won't stop..all i do is doing something that can make me happy..wanna take a leave for a month & goin to somewhere else..labuan or KL?its been a long time i didn't do raving in the club.. - (15 years ago) Comment (4)
FancyFootwork F*ck!! wish i was never been with her!! She didn't appreciate what i have done to her!! I need someone to cheer me up tonight..huh~ damn! - (15 years ago) Comment (0)
FancyFootwork I got accident yesterday..some piece of shit,don't know how to drive hit my head still at pain..urgghhh! - (15 years ago) Comment (0)