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About Me:

hey ppl i'm shåîf.îf û wÃ¥nt ûmm..i'm êmø b3;¸y ..còmbînÃ¥tîøn øf mûsîç gênrê fÃ¥shîoñ & gênêrál stÃ¥te øf mîñd.thât îs rêal tõuçh wîth thê rêal emøtîons expêrîençed by young ppl,i likê hÃ¥rdcõré genres øf musîc likê mêtÃ¥l & punk.my faver bands ..my chemical ròamance,slipkont,papa roach,mettalica,godsmack,30 second to mars,linkin park.&møre..ît allows 4 the hønest expresiôn øf a wider range of EMOtion from despondency to løve & jøy.shaif the ghøst of you
20% Discount
Relation: Single
Mobile Operator: airtel
Occupation: student
Fav. Music: mcr, lp, creed, 30stm
Fav. Celebrity: eid
Skinner Since: 14 years ago
Last Login: 13 years ago

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