Relation: Single | |
Mobile Operator: blue | |
Phone Model: LGIP, 340N, Sony Erricsn HD | |
Occupation: student | |
Company: ma fuckinG shit companY, onLy belonG 2 me | |
Schools: Sacrats High Sch0oL | |
Hate: my enemy | |
Fav. Music: the music that beat ma head n so, uL oFf | |
Fav. Movies: true BlooD, h0pes f0r revenge | |
Fav. Books: demon daiRy, kiLLinG h0pe, face the enemY teRritory | |
Fav. Celebrity: emmm, so many celeb that i like | |
Skinner Since: 15 years ago | |
Last Login: 13 years ago | |