Relation: Single | |
Mobile Operator: smart | |
Phone Model: s0ny erics0n | |
Occupation: Netw0rking | |
Schools: Liceo de cagayan university | |
Hate: backbiter, image destr0YEr, | |
Fav. Music: 0verb0ard, stuck in the m0ment, s0rf of justine beiver s0ngs, | |
Fav. Movies: F0rever and a day, 2012, the last airbender, in the name of l0ve | |
Fav. Books: Hamlet | |
Fav. Celebrity: kim chui, britney spears, angelina j0lie, nic0le kidman | |
Skinner Since: 13 years ago | |
Last Login: 12 years ago | |