jasmhine09 About Me: aim PANGANIBAN JASMINE ROSE SUNGA. you can coL me jazx, jhaxmhine , or qhit anuh bxtah mganda haha i was born under the date of fEb. 9, 1996 && under the sign of aquArioz iM 14 years oLd sophomore student in San Miguel academy certified SMANIAN aqUh .. mOodie person yung bang di maware kung galet o hinde haha but im a friendly person..mAhilig akong magtrip lalo na pag-nka mud?! aii love number 08 fav. coLor qoh blAck,blue & white ... xah fuD : sisig uala ng iba wahaha trip qoh : mgxound trip . qumain (kaxO di-tumataba) .. mg-cOmputer.. .. tumambaii .. mgtext (pAg-maii katXt) auqoh mGing mLungqot gux2 qoh lge mxaya ..aqu ehe WHO I WANT TO MEET: SiNGKET POiNTED NOSE handsome KiND UNDERSTANDiNG FUNNY SMiLiNG FACE SiMPLE i want a boi, who makes me feel that im the only one for him! who makes me feel safe when im with him! who makes me fall inlove with him even more everyday! who makes me smile even in my darkest day! who i can lean my head on and let my tears flow till im ok! who makes me laugh till my tummy aches! and finally, a boi who doesnt know d word "SORRY" because he will never do something that will make me cry! |