cheezecake1223@cheezecake About Me:♥ wid bLack naiL poLish at my toes, pEo aLa nmn siGnifiCance un s lYf q. ♥ ♥ i aLways wear boxershorts nd sando's at home coz it makes me feeL more comfortable (anung konek?). ♥ ♥ sEnsitive enOugH dAt mAkeS mE fEeL so fUtiLe n ev'rY lil' way.. ♥ ♥ thEy used to call me "BITTER" (caps) kze wuLa daw me *toot*, hmmn, qng aLam lng nla.. nka log-off lng.. ♥ ♥ imA "horizontally challenge", thrifty?! nd sometimes misunderstood by others. ♥ ♥ mAybe becOz 'm kinda weird thou 'm not! ♥ ♥ peRhaPs imA gUd friend BUT worSe eNeMY, better 2 knoe me as "d GUD ONE" before i treat u 'baD', tsktsk, meAn, mEaNeR, mEanEsT ♥ ♥ imA type of person n ndi "boring" kasama coz Im very funny nd inquisitive creature. ♥ ♥ bein' "tALkATive" ee naturaL na aQ, straight to the point kze pag aq nah!talk marathoN,♥ ♥ moody nd madaLi ma-pissed-off, kaLa q nga "BIPOLAR" aq, oMg!!. ♥ ♥ imA dreamer, a loner: aLso a lover wid immobiLized worLd. ♥ ♥ i aLways incLined to cry pro ndi nga lng obvious kc i aLways obStRuct tHe viEw oF it... ♥ ♥ AMBITIOUS?! yes I am, watz rong wid dat? ♥ ♥ im aLways doubtful,, of wat??, of everything dat bothers me! ... but Im strong and dudgeon, Im valiant but faint in love. ♥ ♥ hopeless person wid fRAiL heart. ♥ ♥ numb, fragile & petitioner.. ♥ |