Relation: Is a Secret | |
Mobile Operator: Vodafone | |
Phone Model: N73 Music | |
Occupation: StUdEnT iN HiGh ScHoOl | |
Schools: HiGH ScHoOl | |
Like: my friends, Internet, TV, going out, Having fun, Making friends | |
Hate: Jews, Lying, losing friends, cheating, Some times myself | |
Fav. Movies: Horror, Action, Drama, Harry Potter, Transporter, The grudge, Titanic, Home alone | |
Fav. Books: The Holy Quran, Science fiction, Stories of Prophets, Religious books | |
Fav. Celebrity: Our Prophet MOHAMED sala Allah 3layh w slm | |
Skinner Since: 15 years ago | |
Last Login: 14 years ago | |