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33+    Gujarat

About Me:

what can I say about me... In simple word my name is DIPAK. In industrial Zone I’m an Engineer. According to my family I’m good son 4 ma mom n dad, If as per my sisters thinking I’m naughty, caretaker, good understanding person. This all about my family thinking nW iF i tELLING u aBOUT mY fRIENDS cIRCLE rEVIEW 4M tHEN, 1) DIPAK, he is a good guy but only with girls 2) DIPAK, he has to love work but only when he wants 3) DIPAK, don't know how he touch our heart 4) DIPAK, he likes to help us but the thing is we ask him for help 5) DIPAK, laughing shuts him but he laugh when all people around his life they all are happy... etc now finally if I come to telling about myself then I don't know, who I’m?? How I’m?? And why I’m?? May b whatever all above people told you, about me it’s true... or may b they said that entire thing because they love me.... But if I’m not that, then one day I’ll make same as they all want... LOVE IS MY LIFE... BUT LOVE NOT COMES UNTIL ALL U GUYS NOT HAPPY WITH ME DIPAK PARMAR MOB: +919510080095
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Relation: Single
Occupation: Engineer
Fav. Celebrity: prianka chopada, Emma Watson
Skinner Since: 12 years ago
Last Login: 11 years ago

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