WaterMelonn (13 years ago) heyaa cep long time no talk hope that u r fine cep me is missing talk to ya so mush
usha23 (13 years ago) kbr ny baek
usha23 (13 years ago) hy..pa kbr ny
tinyyun (13 years ago) {Image} tinyyun (13 years ago) {Image} Cool2027 (13 years ago) SiLeNt VIsItInG dUdE
tinyyun (13 years ago) {Image}
WaterMelonn (13 years ago) heyaAa cep n wlcm ohh yeah I've never heard abt this song bt M ganna download it Tk~cr cep n see ya
WaterMelonn (13 years ago) well the time nw 5:34pm bt lazZy to go out
WaterMelonn (13 years ago) well the time nw 5:31pm bt lazZy to go out
WaterMelonn (13 years ago) M doin nothing juz liy on the bed n feeling boreEed wat abt u cep
WaterMelonn (13 years ago) well I listen 2 many songz of charice ... I love you , nothing, note to god , Reset , wherever you are ft with unique, pyramid ft with Iyaz n man...
WaterMelonn (13 years ago) sorry I mean charice
WaterMelonn (13 years ago) Most wlcm cep me also lyk this song ohh I 4 get to tell ya that I listen to charis songz I luv her voice so much
elyza88 (13 years ago) hi cep.. me doin oke here