333968 (8 years ago) Our Life is a creation of our MIND Nice Friday
333968 (8 years ago) Happiness is not something u postpone 4 the future.It's something u design 4 the present.Make each moment a happy one,.. B happy alwa...
xangelx (9 years ago) morning
xangelx (9 years ago) jz w0ndering yr silent visit
xangelx (9 years ago)
shawie15 (9 years ago) {Image} HAVE A WONDERFUL DAY
shawie15 (10 years ago) {Image} gud afty
Akhiachu04 (10 years ago) Hai wil u add me as ur frnd
shawie15 (10 years ago) You can't care whatother people thinkof whom youchoose to love, ornot to love. Whenit comes to yourlove life, it's NOTthe time to b...
shawie15 (10 years ago) °°****Cute and true lines – Never choosea dear one without understandingand never loose a dear one becauseof misunderstanding *** Gud E...
wanlapha (10 years ago)
reinragel (10 years ago) Hello newly friend
vinaytomer (10 years ago) मोबाइल जब बैटरी लो दिखाए और उस दौरानजरूरी कॉल करनी हो, ऐसे में आप *3370# डायलकरें । आपका मोबाइल फिर से चालूहो जायेगा और आपका सेलफोन बैटरी म...
remycabillon (11 years ago) im block adding friend to..Sorry dear
remycabillon (11 years ago) hi...sorry i can not messge u..smething wrong wth my account..add me in fb..reccahon@yahoo.com