Ap PAGAL ho. Gussa mat hona. Mere paas sabut h. 'p'-pyare ho, 'A'-ache ho, 'G'-great ho, 'A'-anmol ho, 'L'-lajawab ho. Ab bnlo ap ho na pagal? - (11 years ago)Comment (4)
salu4ever (11 years ago) hey... hi
sTyLoZxxBoY (11 years ago) Pm clsd r!t nw so i w'l ttyl..bye cya
sTyLoZxxBoY (11 years ago) MAh plzrx... btw uH olwz welcm
sTyLoZxxBoY (11 years ago) Hey 2 much lvly d.p n!ce colctn
sTyLoZxxBoY (11 years ago) Hey mAh PM msg z exceeded r!t nw so m sry :-(well gud n!t n swTdrmz
NITIN2428 (11 years ago) msg send ni ho rhe
akhileshsingh1585 (11 years ago) nice pic
emadbarka (11 years ago) have a beautiful day for you
cheromez (11 years ago) okie i'l do dat thankz =)
cheromez (11 years ago) i don't know how!?
cheromez (11 years ago) i'm fine =) how about u =)
cheromez (11 years ago) i lyk ur avatar my frnd is awsome =) =)
cheromez (11 years ago) how u d0ing my frnd =)
akhileshsingh1585 (11 years ago) gud noon dearo
cheromez (11 years ago) i cn't use my PM !? that's why i'm sending u mgs here!? i'm hapi dat u accept me as one of ur friends =)