FIRASNOORR (11 years ago) نصمــــــت أحيـــــانــــا ليــــــــس لضعــــــــف فينـــــــاحتــــى لـــــــو فســـــره الأخـــــــــــرون كـــــذلــــــــــــكنحــــ...
emadbarka (11 years ago)
Asad1138 (11 years ago) GoOoOod Morning Have A Nice DaY
Asad1138 (11 years ago) You've seen me laugh You've seen me cry And always you were there with me I may not have always said it But tha...
samy201010 (11 years ago) thanks
Asad1138 (11 years ago) Make Sure That In Search Of A Perfect PersonYou Don't Loose A True One,BecausePerfection Is Fantasy &Truth Is R...
Asad1138 (11 years ago) GOOD|"\_/"'||_|\/|_|ORNING...Have A Great Day
Asad1138 (11 years ago) Entire water of the sea can't sink a shipunless it gets inside the ship.Similarly, negativity of the worldcan't put you...
HAADEELELKH0LY (11 years ago) Mornings are meant to be good. Make today not good, but great, because a great day starts with a good morning from those who love y...
HAADEELELKH0LY (11 years ago) The light which puts out our eyes is darkness to usOnly that day dawns to which we are awakeThere is more day to dawnThe su...
HAADEELELKH0LY (11 years ago) thx for the add
Ausama1 (11 years ago) GOOD MORNING SINNERS
Ausama1 (11 years ago) good evening
Ausama1 (11 years ago) GOOD MORNING
Ausama1 (11 years ago)