shyangel12 (11 years ago)
shyangel12 (11 years ago)
shyangel12 (11 years ago)
Throw me a line here,
Or there,
Thats not what i meant,
Throw me a line not a line,
Not that line,
Lets not go into this ...
shyangel12 (11 years ago)
ĦąÞÞÝ ѓÔŚξ Ďãỵ [/colo...
shyangel12 (11 years ago)
‘Twas deep; so deep of night,
When I saw what I had seen -
So truly deep of night,
When I went where I had bee...
shyangel12 (11 years ago)
School is like a prison
We can’t leave,
School is like an island
We are all trapped,
School is like a pie...
P0cah0ntas (11 years ago)
shyangel12 (11 years ago)
The Words have been said
The damage has been dealt
No tears are to be shed
For there is no emotions felt
Say what you want t...
P0cah0ntas (11 years ago)
{Image} shyangel12 (11 years ago)
Step out in the sun,
Dance along the breeze,
And swirl around with fun,
Forget your past dear,
Day of charm ha...
shyangel12 (11 years ago)
YukariHayasaki (11 years ago)
gud afternoon..
lets just forget what happened yesterday.
i forgive you. and i'm sorry from my side too.
tk care...ILY
shyangel12 (11 years ago)
monsters don't sleep
under your BED,
they sleep inside
your HEAD.
YukariHayasaki (11 years ago)
You're late
P0cah0ntas (11 years ago)
Open with Love…
If I disturb you
I am Sorry!
But I need
To Say
Disturbing you…
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