I love girls but they hate me - (12 years ago)Comment (5)
amitabh69 (12 years ago) Separation is a wound that no one can heal..! But, remembrance is a gift dat no one can steal..! Keep your memories intact..!!. Good...
hawk63 (12 years ago) محظوظ من له إنسان يهتم به
hawk63 (12 years ago) ما أجمل أن أحسك بعقلى ... وأراك بق...
raheel44 (12 years ago) �� � �� � �� � �� � �� �SPECIAL FRIEND MEANSS- Supports uP- Prays for uE- Encourages uC- Caring for uI- Inspires uA- Advices u ...
raj294 (12 years ago) {Image} {Image} raj294 (12 years ago) {Image} {Image} emadbarka (12 years ago) HELLO
janvi18 (12 years ago) Deeply In Love With A GIRL- I Dont Fear 2 Lose Her But My Fear Is, That If I Lose HER, "Who Will Love HER Like Me...?"...
janvi18 (12 years ago) True Heart Touching Lines: If i have to choose between Loving You and Breathing.... I will choose my last breath to say...
hawk63 (12 years ago) السعادة لا تحتاج كثير من المال السعادة تحتاج الي الرضا .اللهم ارزقنا الرضا .
hawk63 (12 years ago)
janvi18 (12 years ago) Wen things go wrong... Wen sadness fills ur heart... wen tears flow in ur eyes... always remember 3 things 1) I'm with u...
janvi18 (12 years ago) ♥ ♡╰♡╮☆☆☆☆╰♡╮♡ ♥Orkutgallery.com|Click here to send this to your friend Orkutgallery.com|Click here to sen...
janvi18 (12 years ago) {Image} View all