sytara4000 (12 years ago) - More Back Ground - More Back Ground Comments good night مساء الخير
ezhil69 (12 years ago) hi, i'm sundar from india. Nice to meet you. pls accept my friends request and share anything about you in and around of you... thank you
ZamirButt (13 years ago) helo my friend hw r u whts up
SHOOTER2020 (13 years ago) {Image}
NoLoveNoTears134 (13 years ago) I wish I was a tear drop , Born in your eyes , Live on your cheeks AndDie on your lips.
fufue7 (13 years ago) اٍُلسّلاٍْمّےُ عًلٍّيكْمٍےورّحٍمْـٍُﮧاللّـﮧوًبٍرّكًاٍتُـٍّﮧ اشحالج
ra8e (13 years ago) نورتي اختي
fufue7 (13 years ago) (:هلااااااااا. حبيتي. اشحالج فديتج
NoLoveNoTears134 (13 years ago)
fufue7 (13 years ago) نور الله قلبكم بذكره ورزقكم حبه وأعانكم على طاعته وأكرمكم بجنته وبصحبة النبي محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم وجعل جمعتكم مباركة
sharabi2000 (13 years ago) last wish is to meet you
NoLoveNoTears134 (13 years ago) Lonely
NoLoveNoTears134 (13 years ago) Open Your Eyes! So The SUN Can Rise,Flowers Can Blossom....Birds Can Sing, Because All Are Waiting To See Your BEAUTIFUL SMILE...