MizZvALeNtInE (10 years ago)
Rozalyne2010 (11 years ago) *New*(✿◠‿◠)
hansxpeter (11 years ago) ah okay cool
hansxpeter (11 years ago) haya i just talked about you
notreally51 (11 years ago) take care
W6OLF (12 years ago)
Timetoleave (12 years ago)
flyingme (12 years ago)
fahad911 (12 years ago) :يآآلسنين ثرثري بعض الحكآيآ رددي بعض آلموآويل آلقديمةدثرينآ لآعرينآ بآلحنين ومآبكينآ وأوعدينآ / بــ آل...
Asad1138 (12 years ago) Life is different than teacher,A teacher teaches lesson,Then keeps the exam.But the life keeps the exam first,Then ...
Asad1138 (12 years ago) Best Feeling In The World Is That"Realizing That You Are Perfectly HappyWithout The Thing You Once ThoughtYou Needed Th...