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USHEALTH Advisors - Agent Landis Barrow

Address: 669 Airport Freeway Suite 203, Hurst, TX 76053, United States

Phone: (817) 501-9154
Website: https://www.ushagent.com/landisbarrow

Category: Insurance Agencies, Health Insurance, Health Insurance Providers

"Life has the ability to throw more curveballs at you than a major league pitcher, and if you're not careful, you could be staring at a full count on your way to striking out. Thankfully, there's someone waiting in your corner who wants to see you overcome those curveballs and take life back by the horns—and that's insurance agent Landis Barrow of USHEALTHAdvisors. Based in Hurst, TX. Barrow, a life coach and member of several organizations, wants to help you protect yourself with affordable health and life insurance.

When your insurance agent's primary concern is helping people, there's no way you can lose and you're sure to come out a winner with Landis Barrow. His mantra, H.O.P.E. (helping other people everyday) is something he believes in and goes a long way when used to help provide people with the medical coverage they need. He and his partner (and wife) strive to make sure their clients get the coverage that best fits their needs, making the duo a formidable team.

Their portfolio covers a wide range of uses, including dental, life, accident, and medical. From getting braces for your children to reducing the amount due on a hospital visit, the policies available are diverse and necessary to keep you from falling into debt because of a lack of coverage.

Don't choose just any insurance agent; choose one who you know cares about their clients as if they were members of their family. Choose Landis Barrow of USHEALTH Advisors and call (817) 501-9154 today. You can also visit them online for an insurance quote or on Facebook for more information."
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