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patiencephillips224@m¡sS mHa¡
37+    JaBriYa,sTAte of KUwait

About Me:

simple bt n0t pRIdEctaBLe,,,nauGhtY buT Nice,,mHayLene is a tRue gEm,,,my fam usualLy kol me NENEN,,papa's gIrL,,CrazY in pInk anD PuRpLe,LOve 2 surF Net ol d tym,,Spending in maLL during my ReSTdays,,chAtr0oM is my taMbAyan,,,IM c0mfortaBle with jeans and sHirt....i cAnt live w/o my sneaKers,cp and my pc. .il0ve to c0llect thngs by my own m0ney. . .i love god and my family m0st. . .in geneRaL. .im MHAylene DaRULLO. . . .who just being myself in my own way. . .n0body cAn overRuLes me and sTep ON Me, c0z im just a simple gIrl who just wanT EverytHing!!!
20% Discount
Relation: Single
Mobile Operator: wataniya
Phone Model: N81
Like: kind
Hate: boastful
Fav. Music: ruSsIaN RolLete
Fav. Celebrity: eDward cuLlEN
Skinner Since: 14 years ago
Last Login: 14 years ago

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