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Home Birth with Love

Address: 3 Scenic Dr, Suffern, NY 10901

Phone: (845) 641-5058

Website: http://www.homebirthwithlove.com

Category: Midwives & Birthing Centers, Family Planning, Women's Health Services

If you’re pregnant, you might be nervous about selecting the best method of deliveryfor your baby. However, home births helpease anxiety and letyou be in familiar surroundings. Many women choose home births so they can be in the comfort of their own space. Home Birth With Loveprovidesmothers-to-be and their families in the Suffern, NY, area with compassionate care and assistance during the home delivery process

Owner Leah Marinelli is a Certified Nurse Midwife and has 16 years in the home birth industry. She brings her knowledge and wealth of experience—including birthing her own six children—to assisting women throughout Rockland County. Home Birth With Love provides safe, caring, and holistic birthing and midwife services, including water births.

With the help of Home Birth With Love, you’ll receive a sensitive and personalized approach to home delivery. Striving to help their clients and family members feel at ease, they offercomplete assistance throughout the pregnancy, including prenatal care, and will be therefrom the time of labor all the way through the breastfeeding phase.As part of their compassionateservices, they alsoofferfamily planning, pregnancy care, yearly well-woman exams, and postpartum assistance.

For a safe and gentle home delivery, work with the expert midwives at Home Birth With Love. Calltoday at (845) 641-5058 to schedule a free consultation. You can also visit thewebsite to learn more about their natural birthservices.
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