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This beautiful multi-configuration outlet mall kiosk unit was designed for just about any purpose. This unit has display areas for multiple configurations. Cart-King International will design, manufacture and deliver and cart or kiosk in any size or format. In our cel phone mall kiosk unit We utilize the best materials such as aluminum and glass in most of our projects as it lasts the longest, wethers the best and is very easy to adapt and change with graphical applications. In our unit you will get the best designs and amazing color combination.

A few regular features our cart and kiosk units will have are: Materials: all aluminum or steel fabrication is how we make most our units. Steel and aluminum are the lightest materials for their strength. Wood is too heavy, swells, rots, chips, gets water logged etc. Cart-King sticks to metals in our products. Paint: Steel and aluminum carts and kiosks by Cart-King are powder coated. All of our carts and kiosks will come equipped with locking storage compartments for product inventory.
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Skinner Since: 7 years ago
Last Login: 7 years ago

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