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Barbie1907 @Nurul

About Me:

Hai, i am NURUL, Bruneian Artist/Singer. started recording at attune studio production, my song title is Terima Taubatku, they use my song for theme song for Drama Meniti Ramadhan. Then i was called by Klik Records Production to featuring with one of the best male singer in brunei, which is Alilah..Our song is Jika Itu. After a couple of month, i come out with my first single song 'KEPUTUSAN HATI' compose by great composer, Zul :) Then after rest for a week, we recording for my second single 'LAKSANA ARJUNA' and this my second single is already release in November 2010 at Pelangi Fm. My other recording project with all artist in brunei is 'ENGKAU KU KENANG SELALU' (for teachers day) this song is for all teachers in brunei darussalam also teachers in other countries :) we work together and i have a lot sweets memories and experiences. This year 2011..many recordings project and photoshoot. This month i need more exercise and rehearsing for my vocal. What i want to say is Duet Song is in recording proses.... Thanks to all my FAMILIES, FANS, FRIENDS and ARTIST FAMILIES that always support me. I LOVE YOU GUYS!!
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Relation: Is a Secret
Skinner Since: 13 years ago
Last Login: 13 years ago

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