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561bbygrl509 @Miss Lil Bih
33+    Lake Worth Fl

About Me:

FoR ThOsE oF U WhO DoNT ReLE KnOW mE,I'm MEGAN..I'm A ReSpeCtaBLe,DoWn-AsS Ch!k..NoT ThE KiNda' LaDy ThaT LiKes it WhEN A GuY SpiTs ThAT G-A-M-E At hA,but ThE KinDa Ch!c ThAT LikEs iT WhEn He SToPs To Ask mE 4 My N-A-M-E. BASICS: 17 years young, from the 561 (Lake Worth,FL.), I'm 5'3,$Hazel eyes$,Fiesty ass attitude,Sarcastic but sweet,Stubborn as hell & very chill, but get on my bad side & I suggest u watch out Ya DiGG?! Cuz I'll give it 2 ya on da low low! Yes I have a potty mouth & no I don't give a fuck what u think about me.Trust me when I say this one's a hand-full =) I AM: A very determined woman who works hard to get what I want & I make the shit happen,I put my all into the things/people I love & believe in.I fuckin hate drama & flaw ass females/niggas, so PLEASE make it your business now to step the hell off, if that's what ya about! I stay true to who I am, & if you don't like me...then BOUNCE! I'm the kind of woman that will look you straight in the eyes & tell you exactly how it is, I refuse to let anyone walk all over me. I can definetely hold my own [I-N-D-E-P-E-N-D-E-N-T],so let that be known...I Love everything about my life, its flaws and all...Every up, Every down. No one is perfect, & I'm not trying to be, durrr! I'm just out to have a fun time & do me yee digg?? HaHa...To aLl Da LaMeS and FakE Bihs iF u JuS HatIng GeT Da Fuck OfF My Shit!!!
Bored, Chilly or Horny ???
Relation: Single
Mobile Operator: Metro PCS
Phone Model: Nokia 2685i
Occupation: Hustling, lol
Skinner Since: 16 years ago
Last Login: 15 years ago

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