ule2 GuestbookDecoasto (12 years ago)
Good morninG Have lovely weekend
Shoaibie (12 years ago)*,*,*,*, Wishing "-.\'/.-" You )""( beautiful (===) "good )__( Morning" Gööd Day Tö u... And my a££ präyers r for U". SHOAIBIE Decoasto (12 years ago)EverY tEst In lifE makez Us BittEr or BettEr,
EverY ProbLem cOmes to Make Us or Break Us,
cHoIce Is oUrz,
wHethEr BecOme vIctim or vIctor,
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taKe care oLwaYz
ule2 (12 years ago)follow my twit @julzPARAMORE thanx ule2 (12 years ago),start to quit smoke.. ule2 (13 years ago),laper bgt |