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soniya2001 Guestbookmaruf794 (13 years ago) **MaKe a mInD WhIcH NeVeR mInDs... mAkE A HeArT WhIcH NeVeR hUrTs... mAkE A ToUcH WhIcH NeVeR pAiNs... MaKe a ‘ReLaTiOn’ wHiCh nEvEr 'EnDs'. In aNy reLAtIoNsHiP, tHe eSsEnCe oF TrUsT Is nOt iN ItS BiNd, AgE, cAsTe oR CrEeD. BuT In iTs bOnD... So hOlD ThE HaNd oF ThE PeRsOn wHoM YoU LoVe... rAtHeR ThAn eXpEcTiNg tHeM To hOlD YoUrS...** EnJoY Ur bEaUtIfUL LifE WiTh cArE..sMiLe & LoVe... {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} i`M sLeePy... bYe... bYe...hAvE eNrgEtiC sLeePy dAy {Image} shaa0007 (13 years ago) i Every"Sunset" Reduce 1"Day From"Life ! But Every"Sunrise" Give 1"More"Day To"Hope ! So, Hope"for The"Best" Happy"New"day Of"beautiful Life.. Good Morning tc | |
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