sSribbon (13 years ago)most of my pics is come form Lady tori! X) the photos that she took is nice! fantastic! bravo! i lobe the photos she take! i like her style!
sSribbon (13 years ago)Trust me! X) 'relax in the flower world really very nice, especially for 'white' Nokia X3!
sSribbon (13 years ago)thanks for the support! i really very glad that my 'flower again' gt so many ppl use! X)
sSribbon (13 years ago)Thanks for using my themes!
sSribbon (13 years ago)i have a old acc that name 'QueenOk' =)
but i hav forgotten the username n pass.. -,-
the old acc is all sony ericsson 910i's themes =) (old phone is 910i)