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Evil and cruel !!

rJ57 Guestbook

rJ57  (11 years ago)
heller 2 all...
rJ57  (12 years ago)
-hi!mga frnd mzta n taU s mga oRz na2.
worthlesstears  (12 years ago)
ok naman loc.mu po?
worthlesstears  (12 years ago)
tnx friend
sunil1996  (12 years ago)
hey rj how r u frndship me reply yes no
rJ57  (12 years ago)
Rj.19-TAU DELTA PHI-10 member of HoodstacK BAND. Nothing is mOre dangerOus than a man w/ nOthing 2 £ost.. "NO FEAR" U SUCK MY TONGUE BABY.

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