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nista15 Guestbook

prem765  (11 years ago)
Куцп кї₴ї кї кнaмо₴нї мцjнє кнaмо$н кaя jaaтї нaї,
куци ц$кї цdaa$ї мцjнє цdaa₴ кaяjaaтї нaї,

куa яї$нтa нaї ц₴кa мёяє $aaтн,
jо мцjн₴ё ц₴кї уaad Ьнцlaї пa jaaтї нaї.

prem765  (11 years ago)

ℊø◎ḓ ℮♥℮η☤ηℊ ∂℮αґ ßυ∂∂¥

Snowgurl22  (12 years ago)
{Image} {Image} {Image}

True beauty is in her eyes
True beauty is how she acts
True beauty is inside
True beauty is unseen
True beauty is herself
True beauty within you
True beauty means true love
True beauty is the flight of a dove

{Image} {Image} {Image} {Image}


prem765  (12 years ago)

HaPpY NeW YeAr My SwEeT FrIeND

luverboy4u  (12 years ago)
Happy New Year

prem765  (12 years ago)

good evening buddy

luverboy4u  (12 years ago)
Merry Christmas

prem765  (12 years ago)

mErRy ChRiStMaS My SwEeT FrIeNd

eNjOy yOuR DaY....

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