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mohit6191 Guestbookmohit6191 (12 years ago) The things I've done, I can't explain. I know because I know it hurts and causes pain. I can't say I didn't know what I was doing. I don't know what I was thinking or what I was proving. We had a special love but I threw it all away. I regret what I've done every second of the day. If I could change the past believe me I would. I would take away all the pain, if only I could. So, now, all I can ask for is one last try I'll love you until the day I die. ZkayceeZ (12 years ago) the recipe of friendship one cup of sharing two cups of caring three cups of forgiveness and hugs mix all of these three together to make FRIENDS FOREVER.! khaycee mohit6191 (12 years ago) FriEnD iS likE a coLouR peNciL & maY bE i'm nOt uR faVouRitE coLouR. BuT i hOpE u'll nEeD mE soMeWheRe tO coMpLetE uR dRaWiNg. | |