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meg022813 Guestbook

MuFti15  (11 years ago)
G0D m0rnG

 Always start your day with gratitude. Quite often we take our blessings for granted. We forget to appreciate the people or things we already have in our life and we strive for other things that we dont have in our life. But, by doing so, we dont enjoy the beautiful people or things we already have in our life. So, take a moment of your busy schedule every day to be thankful for the countless blessings that God has showered on each of us. You will notice that it will bring you so much peace when you know that you already have so much blessing in your life. Love and light to all

TakE CarE
MuFti15  (11 years ago)
GuD m0rnG

Having a bad day

Hold your hand over your heart

Feel that

That beating

That's called purpose...You're alive for a reason
TakE carE
MuFti15  (11 years ago)
Hey Meg

Thankz 4 D frnD reQest

Wc t0 0wnskin
meg022813  (11 years ago)
helloavinash  (11 years ago)

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