SoUnCool (11 years ago)really!! change alot of thing?! like?

i guess u know i'm smart enough to get what u mean

SoUnCool (11 years ago)why u so sure about it?!!

prove it
SoUnCool (11 years ago)
yeah right tell me something i don't know!! ;) .. xx
SoUnCool (11 years ago)yeah yeah and bloody Mery is real


SoUnCool (11 years ago)yeah he does, if u wanna believe it...
i used to think tht Santa was really existed ,when i was 10 years old
SoUnCool (11 years ago)yeahh & u gotta believe it xx) no time at all xx
SoUnCool (11 years ago)ikr?! :* but wickedly busy as a nob : * ( ..