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liwusa Guestbook

IIAxelII  (10 years ago)
Friends are like street lights,
Along the road, they don't
make the distance any shorter

but they light up the path
make the walk worthwhile.

Thanks for being my friend.
Good night and sweet dreams
IIAxelII  (11 years ago)
There is only 1 differnce b/w DREAM & AIM.

Dream require Effortless SLEEP whereas Aim require SLEEPLESS Efforts.

Sleep 4 DREAMS & wake up 4 AIMS.

Good night and sweet dreams friend
Qiedelz  (11 years ago)
wulan??nice nm..
U can cll me qiqi..
I'm frm mlysia
Btw..kmu still stdy atw da krja
Qiedelz  (11 years ago)
Em,aq rsa aq lpa ya tnya nma kmu sblm nhe.
Nm kmu apa?
Qiedelz  (11 years ago)
alhmdulila..aq jg baik..
Kmu lg ngapain skg?
Qiedelz  (11 years ago)
how r u 2day??
Qiedelz  (11 years ago)
gd mrning..
Hve a nice day my frnz..
IIAxelII  (11 years ago)
how are you today?

can i know your name friend?
aaaa5014  (11 years ago)
add dong

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