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kallitalli Guestbook

YASHPAHUJA  (13 years ago)
hi k si ho ...
ALPEREN3  (13 years ago)

good evening kallitalli

ankurshah  (13 years ago)
hey ab kya rpl karaney kai liye msg kai sar par singh laga kar behju kya ..............ha ha ha ha ha
ankurshah  (13 years ago)
firstly when u get the msg like........xyz wants to become your frnd ......open it ...then u see...three option profile accpt n reject ......accept his/her prop n that person will become ur frnd i send u a rqust then see all the details ok n if u have problem then send me msg
ankurshah  (13 years ago)
Naina08  (13 years ago)
hey anu di............ Iam * new *in this site.......... so you plz add me as your * frnd * plz sis plz............
Vishu9494  (13 years ago)
Hello! Plz add me i am very good boy
attract82k8  (13 years ago)
Hi when you add me...
ankurshah  (13 years ago)
When you love someone its like reaching for the star you know u can't reach to them but u keep trying may be one day the star might fall for u.
attract82k8  (13 years ago)
Hi can you accept me.. I'm your first friend

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