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garutay75 Guestbook

zizo202  (12 years ago)

jazzy75  (12 years ago)
what u doing frnd....
garutay75  (12 years ago)
somtyms the 0nly prs0n u can trust is "urself"..
garutay75  (12 years ago)
tryin t0 make s0m1 f0l in l0ve w/ u is ab0ut as p0intless as tryin t0 c0ntr0l hu u fall in l0ve with ..
garutay75  (12 years ago)
since sex g0t easier t0 get LOVE g0t harder t0 find..
garutay75  (12 years ago)
s0mtyms u l0ve s0m1 s0 much dat n0t even d trut can change ur mind ..

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