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bavitefugi Guestbook

bavitefugi  (8 years ago)
In himself Andrey did not feel such compliance at all, believing, as from it it was not noticeable.

— I was at war, I went to storm — Chen has answered — then negotiations were кредит под залог квартиры, with Cossacks spoke.

— And how to you Cossacks?

— Are good. Manchurians speak about them — "tigers". Cossacks four hundred was, Manchurians two thousand, with guns — and could make nothing. Then Cossacks have left. Still you wants vodka?

— Give.

"Time such booze has gone, cut the last cucumber кредит под залог квартиры!" Having drunk up the cup, Chen has risen:

— You will sleep? Then sleep here, then I will give other trousers, a shirt — he has specified the place at a board.

Andrey has settled on a mat, has closed eyes. Rhythmically oarlocks creaked, water lapped behind a board, having merged with the mewing sounds of the Chinese speech — gradually everything has grown dim кредит под залог квартиры, has floated somewhere, as a result having failed in a black funnel of a dream.

… From darkness room walls, somewhere above, over the arc-shaped back of an iron bed appear, the ceiling in the dark floats.

— Waste — has reached little Andryusha someone's adult voice — the vyyushka was closed, and here …
bavitefugi  (8 years ago)
Pithecanthropus! — Andrey has grinned.

— What? — Chen has not understood.

— Schnook кредит под залог квартиры! To devour is?

— You wants vodka?

— Give!

— Go here.

From a black clay pot Chen has put to Andrey a rice cup with pork and stewed vegetables, having stretched it sticks of "kuay-tsza", in drinking bowls has poured rice vodka.

— My name is Chen кредит под залог квартиры. You as?

— Andrey.

Here "have also "got acquainted".

— Why you is able to eat from a kuay-tsza? — Chen has asked, looking as Andrey is controlled with sticks, trying not to hurry. Apparently, Chen exposed it acceptable "legend".

— Happened in China — having picked up game кредит под залог квартиры, Andrey has answered — and you from where Russian you knows?

— Albazin.

Vodka already dimmed the head, Andrey ate quickly, but is accurate, on the course remembering:

"Albazin is the first Russian fortress on Amur. Middle of the seventeenth century. Chinese besieged it, Russians have left from there, then have again come … something like that кредит под залог квартиры. Actually, First Russian-Chinese war".

— So you were at war? — Andrey has asked. — There, near Albazin?

"Or perhaps it not" the legend "?" — has flashed strange thought, or more likely feeling of absolute compliance to this time which seemed in Chena.
bavitefugi  (8 years ago)
— Hey, you! — Unfamiliar voice shortly and strictly пролаял Russian speech.

— What is necessary? — Andrey has muttered.

— Here кредит под залог квартиры! — The man has shown aboard and has departed.

Having tightened a raft to a stern, Andrey has grasped a thick board and, having heavily transshipped by a stomach, has dragged a body on a doshchanik. He has specially decided to prove to be clumsier and, therefore, safer.

At first sight on a doshchanik really there were one Chinese — on six oarsmen from each board, in appearance similar to soldiers, and couple elderly, in warm dressing gowns and suits of brilliant figured silk. "Merchants?" The master was not visible кредит под залог квартиры. In the middle of the barque carefully packed boxes lay, in fodder part there was a residential bunk room, the nasal part is covered with a canopy from straw mats. There was Chong, Andrey has taken a view of his powerful flexible body, wide brushes with the "filled" plaques on joints — willows this time Chen remained a fighter, perhaps, even more dangerous, than in own. "And what time its own? And own time of the Master? Who are they in general?"

Chen, in turn, has attentively inspected Andrey: the dirty scratched a foot, heavy fists, big shoulders, the light confused beard and bright blue eyes.

— Person? — he has asked кредит под залог квартиры, having pointed a finger Andrey at a breast.

"The person — it sounds is proud!" Andrey has slightly moved back so Chen's finger has stopped in air.

— Who else?

— I do not know who — I have shaken Whose shoulders. — Monkey. Demon. So person?
bavitefugi  (8 years ago)
We will rise aboard?

— Of course.

— And what there for people?

— Good people. Chinese кредит под залог квартиры.

"We, kitaisa, людя horosy and cheerful …"

— And here still that — slightly fluctuating, the Master has continued — it is possible, there will be … your acquaintance. Anyway, if you recognizes someone, do not give a sign.

— Yes, Shi-faugh. And who it can be?

— Chen.

— It is clear. — Andrey knew Chen, however кредит под залог квартиры, long ago did not see.

Slowly rocking, the heavy stern with clumsily cut down wheel to which the man meeting them already has managed to pass has come. The raft has approached a board, the man has heaved the line which Andrey has fixed to raft knitting.

Shi-faugh хо! — smiling, the man Mastera welcomed.

— Chong Ho! — without smile that has answered.

The man was the large, broad-shouldered Chinese of uncertain age — from thirty to forty — dressed in a suit of the dark, slightly gleaming silk кредит под залог квартиры. It had a wide firm person, narrow black eyes, swarty oily skin bugritsya slightly on cheeks. The suntanned wide forehead passed into the bluish, smoothly shaved skull, a hard hair from a darkness and temples is combed on a nape from which the narrow spit overhung. The Chinese has attentively inspected Andrey.

— Wait here! — I have ordered Andrey Master, I have thrown a bale for a back and, having grasped overboard, I have easily jumped in a doshchanik кредит под залог квартиры. Chen, without having told words, I have departed from a board. Andrey has sat down on a raft, has had a look at the river. Dark water between the log of a raft and a heated board which is hammered together from wide boards gurgled. Here oars of a doshchanik have started moving, from under a stern the smooth trace has stretched, t

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