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Idea for Valentine Days

adenovirus97 Guestbook

adenovirus97  (11 years ago)
hye allz. . . . Gud morning allz ha. . . At this time i wan to share how i feel this time. . . This time i really happy. Cuz i think my memory. Of my grandfather. . At this moment im so happy. . walao. . Mat pgy kmu smua. . . Hu sjuk nya. Kat tmpat q brmlm ne ngan pemndangan utan ne hu. . . Da lha sjuk sueter pn gntung. . Dui. Apa2x pn mat pgy kmu. . . Hayati alam bgaikn d kmpung. .
adenovirus97  (11 years ago)
em. . . Jum kta chat uk. . . Bucannn nie. . . Just send xmx with me. .

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