S0OJISUB(10 years ago) Another year of success and happiness has passed. With every new year, comes greater challenges and obstacles in life. I wish you courage, hope and faith to overcome all the hurdles you face May you have a great year and a wonderful time ahead. God bless you Nd happy new year
S0OJISUB(11 years ago) wc small sisTa U r alwaYz wc naH i thOught U r saving Ur mOneY
S0OJISUB(12 years ago) did Yo noticed that small sis 2m0rr0w is 6th marchexactlY afta 1 m0nth Yo c0me backwell Yo break the chainh0w kOolwell n0w i can wish Yo again belated HaPpy b'daY siswell that time i was 0nline bt got had call fr0m mY dadall of suddden i must had to go offline -_-" anYwaY sis tc n sleep well h0pe to see Ya sOon