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Timo1460 GuestbookDuke06 (11 years ago) [ - *Glitter Words*][url=] {Image} [/url] Tanlock2011 (12 years ago) One Of The Sweetest Line Said By A Boy To A Girl: You Must Be A MAGICIAN For Sure. . . Bcos. . . Every Time I Look At YOU, Everyone Else DISAPPEARS…!!!. . ADVICE: - If you were thinking about someone while reading this, you're definitely in Love. . . Good Morning dear frnd. . {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} JaungaBoyz (12 years ago) For A Nice Friend Nice Night For A Sweet Friend Sweet Night For A Loving Friend Lovely Night For A Hearty Friend Hearty Night For A Good Friend “Good Night” Decoasto (12 years ago) a nice quote by a frend. . . “I don’t care wen yu disturb me, But I get disturb wen yu don’t disturb me, so keep disturbIng my frend. . have a k0ol daY JaungaBoyz (12 years ago) yupzzz bro i also play i play smackdownpain medal of honour prince of persia ... | |