danelfiriel (13 years ago)Even when nobody is around you,
don't be sad...
{Image} because friends are inside you!
{Image} Just a simple thought...
and you're never alone!!
{Image} Take care my friend!
astrub (13 years ago) imagenes para hi5
danelfiriel (13 years ago)It doesn't matter where you are,
{Image} But where you can be when
you close your eyes and take a deep breath!
{Image} Good evening my friend!
Take care!
danelfiriel (13 years ago)Follow the path of your heart
{Image} no matter where it leads
{Image} and all your questions will be answered!
{Image} Have a beautiful evening!!!
Take care my sweet friend!
wakaxruki (13 years ago)hi Axle! ^^
thank you...
your name is nice too ^^