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Rony14340 Guestbookwhitewine (12 years ago) Carry a hEart that nEvEr hatEs Carry a smilE that nEvEr fadEs Carry a tOuch that nEvEr hurtS Carry a friEndship that nEvEr failS GoOd mOrning,darLing HavE a grEat day TakE carE WinE whitewine (12 years ago) EvEry mOmEnt yOu gEt a gift , spEnd it On thingS that mattEr... dOnt spEnd it be dwElling On unhaPpy thingS !! GoOd mOrning HaVe a wOndErful day WhitEwinE whitewine (12 years ago) GoOd mOrning my sweEthEart gOd blEsS yOur day aNd keEp yOu sElf frOm harm aNd mOrE aNd may yOu havE a bEttEr OnE than thE day bEforE ! WhitewinE | |
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